The Army Survival Guide is a fantastic resource for you t learn how to survive...the ARMY way.
With 23 Chapters and a full set of Appendices, and photos and diagrams galore, you will find this an invaluable app for your continuing Army Education.
Chapters Include:
Chapter 1
- Survival Actions
- Pattern for Survival
Chapter 2
- A Look At Stress
- Natural Reactions
- Preparing Yourself
Chapter 3
- Importance of Planning
- Survival Kits
Chapter 4
- Requirements for Maintenance of Health
- Medical Emergencies
- Lifesaving Steps
- Bone and Joint Injury
- Bites and Stings
- Wounds
- Enviromental Injuries
- Herbal Medicines
Chapter 5
- Primary Shelter - Uniform
- Shelter Site Selection
- Types of Shelter
Chapter 6
- Water Sources
- Still Construction
- Water Purification
- Water Filtration Devices
Chapter 7
- Basic Fire Principles
- Site Selection and Preparation
- Fire Material Selection
- How to Build a Fire
- How to Light a Fire
Chapter 8
- Animals for Food
- Traps and Snares
- Killing Devices
- Fishing Devices
- Cooking and Storage of Fish and Game
Chapter 9
- Edibility of Plants
- Plants for Medicine
- Miscellaneous Uses of Plants
Chapter 10
- How Plants Poison
- All About Plants
- Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants
- Contact Dermatitis
- Ingestion Poisoning
Chapter 11
- Insects and Arachnids
- Leeches
- Bats
- Venomous Snakes
- Snake-Free Areas
- Dangerous Lizards
- Dangers in Rivers
- Dangers in Bays and Estuaries
- Saltwater Dangers
- Other Dangerous Sea Creatures
Chapter 12
- Staffs
- Clubs
- Edged Weapons
- Other Expedient Weapons
- Cordage and Lashing
- Rucksack Construction
- Clothing and Insulation
- Cooking and Eating Utensils
Chapter 13
- Terrain
- Enviromental Factors
- Need for Water
- Heat Casualties
- Precautions
- Desert Hazards
Chapter 14
- Tropical Weather
- Jungle Types
- Travel Through Jungle Areas
- Immediate Considerations
- Water Procurement
- Food
- Poisonoous Plants
Chapter 15
- Cold Regions and Locations
- Windchill
- Basic Principles of Cold Weather Survival
- Hygeine
- Medical Aspects
- Cold Injuries
- Shelters
- Fire
- Water
- Food
- Travel
- Weather Signs
Chapter 16
- The Open Sea
- Seashores
Chapter 17
- Rivers and Streams
- Rapids
- Rafts
- Flotation Devices
- Other Water Obstacles
- Vegetation Obstacles
Chapter 18
- Using the Sun and Shadow
- Using the Moon
- Using the Stars
- Making Improvised Compasses
- Other Means of Determining Direction
Chapter 19
- Application
- Means for Signaling
- Codes and Signals
- Aircraft Vectoring Procedures
Chapter 20
- Phases of Planning
- Execution
- Return to Friendly Control
Chapter 21
- Personal Camouflage
- Methods of Stalking
Chapter 22
- Contact with Local People
- Survival Behavior
- Changes to Political Allegiance
Chapter 23
- The Nuclear Environment
- Biological Environments
- Chemical Environments
A - Survival Kits
B - Edible and Medicinal Plants
C - Poisonous Plants
D - Dangerous Insects and Arachnids
E - Venemous Snakes and Lizards
F - Dangerous Fish and Mollusks
G - Ropes and Knots
H - Clouds: Foretellers of Weather
I - Evasion Plan of Action Format
This app is crammed full of all the US Army Survival Techniques you will ever need. If you are an enlisted serviceman or simply interested in military survival, this app is a fantastic addition to your arsenal of information.